
Rolf Brockmann, Gunther Christoph Dade
Katutura – Excursions into Windhoek's Township

2006, 21 x 14,8 cm, Paperback, 184 pages
ISBN 978-3-933117-03-8, EUR 19,80

The first impressions when arriving in the capital of Namibia, Windhoek, is certainly of surprise. It can’t be compared to Lagos, Cairo or Kinshasa at all. It’s different – a well organised, tidy capital. Hardly any tourist visits Katutura at the beginning or end of his stay. The streams of tourists siply go past Windhoek’s largest suburb in which almost 10 percent oft the country’s population live.

This book will present a collection of text and photos to demonstrate life in Katutura. It will be an excursion full of vivid impressions that will create a living atmosphere.

This book is also available in German.



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